Say goodbye to the dark days of self-sabotage. Say hello to loving yourself and the energy of Self Love

If you're done with looking in the mirror day after day and wondering why you aren't living the life of your dreams...If you're tired of being unseen and unheard...If you want to be able to let go of the past...Take 1 minute to download this book, and I promise you'll see results in just 5 days.

"Love is all there is, and loving yourself is the greatest love of all. "

Marcy Neumann, The HeartShift Coach

Hi there!  I'm Marcy Neumann, The HeartShift Coach. I'm an energy healer, and an energy coach.  I help people discover how to genuinely love themselves, and practice Self Love to create an indestructible, unshakable foundation for making changes in their lives.

Change is scary, sometimes confusing, and a very difficult path to begin.  This is where I shine.  

I've helped thousands of people all over the world  discover that loving yourself, and being able to use the energy of this new found Self Love is the key to healing, letting go of the past, facing fears with strength, and creating what you truly want out of'll wonder why it took so long to start down this path that will change your life forever.

Making changes that last. Making changes for life! This energy is that powerful!

I'm here to guide you on how to start this process of loving yourself, using the Self Love energy, and becoming comfortable with the changes you're going to make to transform all your hopes, your dreams, and your desires into your reality.

Knowing  that your life could be filled with happiness and fullfilment but not knowing how to get there is exhausting.  The digital courses at Self Love University get you there.

Knowing where to begin removes the fear of starting something new.  That's why this course was created, to give you the starting point into loving yourself, and harnessing the energy of Self Love to heal, change and create. The results?  Your dream life becomes your real life, and maybe for the first time ever, you'll be able to
speak your own truth.

How would your life be different without feeling guilt or shame, or without feeling like you're unseen or unheard? A life that's authentically you, and a life you'll love living.  This course gets you started.

What if you had the secret to finding your soulmate? Find Love Now is the only Self-Love based HeartShifting program that teaches you exactly the steps to take to find love.

You should always feel free to be yourself while quieting those inner voices of shame, blame, and guilt, and this course gives you the knowledge and tools to take this journey and succeed in ditching the past, forgiving what needs to be and moving on to the life you are meant to have.

Sometimes all it takes for changes to happen is to shift the energy around you.  What if I told you that getting out of your head, and moving into your heart is the start of making energetic HeartShifts which will completely transform your way of thinking, and living. 

I'm always teaching about loving yourself, and the energy of Self Love, whether it's as an expert during podcast interviews, online summits or on social media. Subscribe to my YouTube channel or follow me on my social media channels, and find out why I preach, teach and live a Self Love lifestyle.

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